“Line Segments Space” by Kimchi and Chips

“Line Segments Space” is an art installation by Kimchi and Chips. This piece combines physical elements– lights and strings– with code to create an immersive art experience. I really like the way that the code clearly leads to a more immersive and enjoyable experience for viewers. It pushed me to think about how to combine…

Spirit Lifting Animation

“E-motion Support Group” is an online art show that was started by Lauren Powell. Powell felt the hole of physical art at the start of the COVID pandemic and noticed that animated art was the only form that could bring her joy while digital. She started an art show of fun, uplifting animations to help…

Surreal Cityscapes

After our activity in class last week, these pieces by Andrew Soria really intrigued me. Soria created a collection of surreal cityscapes using heavily photoshopped images. I think it’s really cool that artists can manipulate images to look both real and exaggerated. This style really pushed viewers to think hard about what they’re viewing and…

Abstraction & Social Change

In Hyperallergic, author Stan Mir discusses a current exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art which explores the rise of non-representational paint. Mir highlights some pieces from the exhibit, admiring the form, but suggesting that this should be a more inclusive exhibit. Mir mentions that while the exhibit claims it has diversity, it does not…

Art & Children’s Books

On the blog Hyperallergic, there is a post about a new children’s book about climate change with beautiful illustrations. This made me think about the role that images can play in helping children understand big concepts. As we start our new project with the goal of creating a book cover, I’ve been thinking about how…

Political Conflict Illustrated

This cartoon, which was featured in an article “Why America’s Political Divisions Will Only Get Worse” uses simple imagery to illustrate a very complex topic. When exploring iconography in class this week, it is interesting to think about what can convey a certain message without needing explicit words or descriptions. I love the simple imagery…

Keith Haring and the use of black and white

As we’ve worked on our Gestalt studies, with the specific instruction of only using black and white, I’ve thought about the work of Keith Haring. Keith Haring is known for his black and white sketches, which, using simple and uniform strokes, convey playful and exciting images. Haring uses abstract shapes to tell exciting stories.

Van Gogh’s “The Bedroom”

While reading “Arranging Things”, I kept thinking of still life paintings. Through these paintings, even without human subjects, rhetoric and sentiment is captured through color, objects, and the arrangement of these objects. The reading also discussed the timelessness of arrangement and how it can convey strong feelings, which this painting does. The Bedroom