Modern Still Life

I thought this comparison between older, more traditional, still life and modern still life was very striking. The use of color, choice of elements in the art work, and medium tell two, very different stories in each of the artworks. It’s interesting to see how culture and social expression are depicted even in art work…

PSA inspiration

I came across this Youtube video while researching for my PSA. I thought the video was very effective in conveying the message of reducing food waste by looking at things from the perspective of a strawberry. Following the life of a strawberry from start to end was a great way to get the point across…

The $69 million jpg

This past week, artist Beeple sold a collage of his art work for a whopping $69 million. His art work “Everydays — The First 5000 Days” is a collage of 5000 images the artist produced. Beeple has been posting an art piece online everyday since 2007, and this piece of work is an amalgamation of…

Harry Potter Over The Years

The covers of Harry Potter are always changing. The covers were different when I read them, when my younger brother read them, and when I gifted them to my cousin two years ago. This website captures the book covers over the years. Changing book covers represent cultural changes, trends in the books marketplace, new design…

Passport Aesthetics

While I was working on my speculative design, I was designing a card that was intended to be a federal / state issued card. This led me to think about the design of passports. Passports are valuable. Everyone has a passport. Every country designs their passports to hold some intrinsic value. I think passports hold…

Yin & Yin?

While I watching the lecture on iconography, one word stuck to me: universality. Icons are designs interpreted by people in different contexts, across the world; and yet successful iconography is able to convey meaning without text to diverse audiences globally. A true miracle. It makes me think: what makes an icon “universal”? How can we…

Squares or art?

I’ve always had a hard time understanding art, more specifically abstract art. As someone who is typically doing work that is very direct, straightforward, and relational, I had an interesting time working on this week’s project as it really pushed me to think about creating art that doesn’t explicitly represent certain ideas and concepts. Working…

Humans & Machines: A Love Story?

As I worked on the Desktop Portrait, I thought about how technology has come to dominate our work lives. We have replaced the physical work spaces cluttered with books and pens for sleek, efficient MacBook Pros — a rather simple decision one might say. Just us our work lives have been greatly impacted by technology,…