Creativity of AI Art

As we began to use programming to create art, I wanted to learn more about the creativity and originality of AI/technology art. According to this article, creativity is translation of innovative/obscure thoughts that are both hard to trace and clarify by humans. Yet, art created by AI can readily duplicate and recreate the patterns, performance,…

Animation – Basic Skills

As we continue to work on our PSA animation poster, I tried to learn about basics I need for animation. I came across this article that pointed out key features of good animation: color theory, sense of timing and spacing, and analyzing. Although good drawing skills and original ideas are important for drawing big pictures,…

History of PSA Posters

While prepping for our upcoming PSA animated poster, I wanted to learn more about the history of PSA posters: how they developed and they are used today. I loved how this site started off the topic with talking about posters prior to those for PSA.. how the targeted audience were literate, active in absorbing new…

“Screenshot or It Didn’t Happen”

Screenshots, pictures that we regularly and therefore carelessly take, have become part of our daily lives as technology has evolved. As a result, apps like Snapchats that allow users to exchange pictures lasting only for a few seconds have became popular among the young generation. In his article “Screenshot or It Didn’t Happen,” Jacob Gaboury…

Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Land by Ahn Gyeon

After reading “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino, I rummaged through several abstract landscape paintings and came across “Dream Journey to Peach Blossom Land” by Ahn Gyeon. Tall, absurd mountain cliffs surrounded by thick fog and clear peach blossoms in this painting depicts a dream about paradise that Prince Anpyeong had back in early 1400s. When…

Realistic but Strange vs. Simple but Familiar

Icons are very casual but also complex images that we encounter daily; they are quick to look at but sometimes too abstract to understand. A good “international” icon should be “simple, meaningful, and memorable” as have said by Susan Kare during her talk in 2014. It was interesting to hear about her discussion on realistic…

Painting Music: Melissa McCracken

This week, as we continue to work on Field Recording Gestalt, I encountered Melissa McCracken’s works that painted the streaks of colors she “saw” (yes, not heard) from listening to music. As an artist with synesthesia, McCracken had a special power to understand music in colors and read letters/numbers in colors. Her brain simply triggered…

“Van Gogh’s Chair” by Vincent van Gogh

“The real world seems to stop at the museum or gallery entrance” is the quote that stood out to me the most when reading “Arranging Things” by Leonard Koren. All arrangements are communicational through visual means, but its interpretation in the real world remains separate and distinct from the viewpoints in the art world. After…