AI- Created Art As we are beginning to use code to make art, I wanted to further explore the links between the fields of computer science and art. In this case, the collective Obvious gave a machine learning algorithm 15,000 paintings and asked it to create its own. There seems to be something off about the result…

First Nation Leaders use Animated PSA to Battle Vaccine Misinformation

Many First Nations people are reluctant to get the vaccine. They mistrust the health system due to firsthand experiences with discrimination and harmful practices. This PSA uses the voice of Terry Teegee, the regional chief of the Assembly and a needle that transforms from a feather drawn in the Northwest coast style to convey its…

Photo Manipulation Artists and Advertising

I was interested in looking for more inspiration related to the in-class Photoshop assignment we completed and found this fantastic compilation of ten artists. I was surprised, however, when I looked up the artists individually and could find very little written on them. Interestingly, all of the individuals and groups mentioned in this article work…

Nyan Cat GIF Sold at Auction for $587,000 in Cryptocurrency

It fascinates me that this piece of art that can only be viewed in a digital setting was sold using an entirely digital asset, the cryptocurrency Ether. Though anyone can view and reproduce the Nyan Cat, the buyer (0x7eb2…3f6b) may have simply wanted to patronize an artist whose work has reached nearly 200 million people…

Shen Wei’s Abstract Landscapes

I was fascinated by how we can depict something as concrete as a place using only abstract gestures. Shen Wei’s work, Untitled Number 8 uses a mixture of formal Chinese painting and twentieth century abstract American Art to create a mythical dreamscape. The piece itself consists of drooping and swirling brushstrokes, portraying nothing concrete and…

Daan Roosegaarde’s “GROW”

Speculative architect Daan Roosegaarde’s latest artwork is as beautiful as it is functional. Lights that improve plant health and sustainability of growth “dance” across fields of crops. The precise combination of lights have been shown to improve plant’s growth rate and reduce the need for pesticides. In his own words, “GROW is the dreamscape which…

Trends to Watch in 2021: Return to Nature analyzed their data to forecast trends in the art world for the coming year. The “return to nature” is a reflection of our current cultural values. The pandemic has forced people out of shared spaces and onto the internet; nature remains as a refuge. Annie Lapin’s work (shown here) represents an incomplete view of…

Jamian Juliano-Villani

Looking at some of Jamian Juliano-Villani’s work such as Bounty Hunter, I was originally reminded of the corner of someone’s garage or a deep drawer in the kitchen: a bunch of out-of-context objects tossed to the side of everyday life. But after learning more about the irreverent artist, the way she described her work in…