Art and Data and Endangered Animals

After talking about data visualization last lecture, I started looking into more data visualization projects. I stumbled upon a project where an artist (Yoshiyuki Mikami) rendered pictures of endangered animals where each pixel represented one animal that was in the remaining population. It was an interesting way to view the declining population of a species…

“I Think He Knows” Lyric Video

When I was thinking about how to animate my text for the PSA, I thought about a lyric video for Taylor Swift’s song “I Think He Knows” that I felt had really good animations and typography. It’s cool because this video was actually made by an independent artist (not Taylor Swift’s team) but it looks…

Annegien Schilling

As I was scrolling through some of these blog posts for this week, I saw that a few people wrote about Natalia Seth (@escapingyouth on Instagram) and I actually used to follow her and had some mutuals with her when I ran a similar type of art account in middle school! Another artist I really…

Ori Toor

During one of our critique sessions, Professor Rivkin mentioned the artist Ori Toor since someone used a similar process for their invisible cities cover. I started to look more into his art after class and I just wanted to share his works with the rest of the class! I really enjoyed his color palettes and…

Invisible Cities Art

While reading Invisible Cities, it was interesting to picture how these cities looked based off of the descriptions. They all seemed a bit bizarre in my mind when reading about the cities in a literal sense. After seeing another blog post about Karina Puente’s illustrations, I was curious to see if anyone else also decided…

What’s Up With Wingdings?

After watching Susan Kare’s lecture on iconography and seeing a few of her examples, I was reminded of the font Wingdings! As a kid, I was albeit quite confused why the font existed in the first place. However, after reading up on the history of Wingdings and how much harder it was to use symbols…

Abstract Art by Mark Rothko

When I first saw a Mark Rothko painting, I didn’t think much of it. In fact, that’s how I felt about most abstract art for a while. But this semester, as I’m loading up on more classes that focus on art (because dang computer science is hard), I’m starting to see and feel more behind…

Instagram Museums

When thinking about the unconventional medium used for our Desktop Portraits and our reading, Arranging Things, I was reminded of Instagram museums. Though they don’t solely exist for visitors to take selfies, these exhibits are greatly influenced by the idea of being “instagrammable” and are arranged in a way to best market it through aesthetic…