“American Dreams Real Estate” by Photographer Will Cox

Will Cox’s photography of the manicured vacation spot of Palm Springs contrasting with the depressed community of Salton Sea emphasizes the dichotomy of what the American Dream means. The first photo below, taken in Salton Sea, shows a family’s decision to not allow parking so that they can hang dry their clothes. This is an act at the expense of others in their community. However this act is not for material wealth but a living need. Growing up in Los Angeles, I was aware of Palm Springs as a “second home” city. In reality, many live in Palms Springs full time. The pursuit of material wealth in buying a second home in Palms Springs is similar to the “no parking” sign in that the influx of rich families to Palms Springs hurts prices and lifestyle for Palms Springs natives. But in contrast to the no parking sign, the action to buy a second home is for material wealth and not necessity. The difference is important, as it changes the american dream from a collective experience to a private pursuit.

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