Abstract Art by Mark Rothko

When I first saw a Mark Rothko painting, I didn’t think much of it. In fact, that’s how I felt about most abstract art for a while. But this semester, as I’m loading up on more classes that focus on art (because dang computer science is hard), I’m starting to see and feel more behind Rothko’s art. While working on my Gestalt studies, I often closed my eyes and tried to just envision the words or emotions I wanted to convey and what they would look like on my artboard. I decided to go back to see more of Rothko’s art to try to apply these emotions to his paintings and in doing so, I was able to see more than just a blur of colors. When putting Rothko’s thoughts and feelings into perspective, suddenly abstract art made more sense and didn’t seem so abstract anymore. (Also fun fact my brother has a print of the painting I included in his apartment now :0)

You can read more about Rothko’s art and the history/emotions behind it here and you can see more of his art here!

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