Jamian Juliano-Villani

Jamian Juliano-Villani at Massimo De Carlo in London | Monster trucks, Dark  humor, Art day
Let’s Kill Nicole (2019)

Looking at some of Jamian Juliano-Villani’s work such as Bounty Hunter, I was originally reminded of the corner of someone’s garage or a deep drawer in the kitchen: a bunch of out-of-context objects tossed to the side of everyday life. But after learning more about the irreverent artist, the way she described her work in an interview with Artnet News seemed strikingly accurate. She described her images as “like car accidents… There’s something that draws you to them and you don’t know why. They are uncomfortable, there’s something visually off about them. I think it’s some kind of sense of deja vu.” What could be taken as a random collection of images are actually carefully selected and arranged objects meant to disorient, amuse, and baffle.

Jamian Juliano-Villani - Why I Paint | art | Phaidon
Bounty Hunter (2014)

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